Read These First

Whether this is your first visit, or whether you're a long time visitor, these links should provide some important information for you. We especially recommend these links for first time visitors to the site.

Our Mission Statement This document is the very first thing everyone should read when visiting this website. It covers what our drive and motivation is, and the heart of what we teach.

Myths and Facts about December 21st 2012 Follow a balanced approach to debunking myths and giving the real facts about that date. There is so much misinformation out there, and much of it is cleared up in this document.

Shamanism and the Dran Rashar A basic study guide to Shamanism, plus a small guide to Shamanism's role within the Dran Rashar. (printer friendly version available at the bottom of the page.)

Star Children Who are the Star Children? What are the Dran Rashar? Who are the Star Ancestors? Answers here.

Manna, Mana, and Vimana A brief and important discussion about Vimana, space and air ships from ancient humans and eternal Gods (in Hindu and Dran Rashar beliefs.) This one may be a little advanced for some, but everyone should glean important information from what is presented herein.

Symbols Dran Rashar use Information about some of the symbols sacred to the Star Children, the Dran Rashar. Interesting to read at least once, and an interesting re-read for those interested in our history, mythology and/or symbology.

The Moon's Light Guide You